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My tips for a beautiful, bright smile.

My tips for a beautiful, bright smile. How to do it?
Beautiful, white teeth – all of us dream of them. The colour of our teeth often depends on genetics or lifestyle which may be hard to fight. However, there is a way for everything.

I wasn’t happy with the colour of my teeth, so I decided to change it. I could have done it at the dentist, but I wanted to try home methods first. They are safe, cheap and really effective. I’ll tell you which ones worked for me best.

Tips for a beautiful, bright smile

You asked me what I did to achieve the effect of snow-white teeth. Different whitening toothpaste, various treatments and whitening strips to choose from… but in fact, the most important thing is proper care and avoiding  things that can make your teeth yellow. At first, I didn’t  know that it would be such a difficult task, but after learning the right habits, everything changed.

Here’s what has the biggest impact on the color of your teeth:

  • drinking a lot of coffee, tea and red wine,
  • smoking cigarettes,
  • certain medicine,
  • genetic determinants,
  • ageing,
  • various diseases.

Home remedies for white teeth

To begin with, I recommend you stop using all the things that discolour your teeth (I mentioned them above). It’s best to quit smoking cigarettes and stop drinking a few coffees a day – have only one cup a day and drink plenty of mineral water. This will definitely work for the benefit of your general health and also will affect the colour of your teeth.

Remember these basics, and then move on to home remedies for white teeth. Which are the best?

1. Charcoal toothpaste

Hygiene before anything else. Whitening toothpaste with activated charcoal works perfectly. In general, any toothpaste containing charcoal is good. This ingredient gives the toothpaste a black color and whitens the teeth perfectly, although it might seem a little weird. It detoxifies the mouth and makes the teeth snow-white.

2. Lemon mouthwash

Surely you have lemon at home. It can be used in many ways, e.g. as a hair rinse. But only a few people know that the brightening properties of lemon can also whiten teeth. I squeeze out some lemon juice, add a little water and rinse my mouth with it. You can achieve the best results if you do it every time after brushing your teeth. Then you will rinse out any impurities and the teeth will become whiter.

3. Banana peel

Girls! I’m not joking. I systematically rub banana peel into my teeth and it really has a whitening effect. It only takes a few seconds. Just rub our teeth with the inner side, because it contains numerous substances that will restore the whiteness of your teeth.

These are my best, proven ways for a bright smile. Just do it regularly and you will see the effects quickly. And what are your methods for white teeth?

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