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Product review. How does H-STIMUPURIN from Pharmaceris work?

A few weeks ago I started testing out the H-STIMUPURIN hair growth stimulating shampoo from Pharmaceris. How did the shampoo work in comparison to so many products that I have already used for boosting hair growth?


H-STIMUPURIN comes in a standard packaging. A white, opaque bottle with gold-silver accents looks like a medicinal product. On the cardboard box with the same design, we will find detailed information about the product. In this case, there is nothing special about the packaging.


H-STIMUPURIN shampoo is a product with the consistency of white cream. It has a delicate, fresh fragrance that I find very nice and even relaxing. It gives a feeling of freshness and stays on the hair for a long time. It lathers well which makes the process of washing the hair easy and pleasant. This feature leads to high efficiency because you do not need much product to wash even very long hair. My 300 ml bottle should last for 4 months of use (hair washed every two days on average).


The composition of the product is very interesting. Why? Pharmaceris ensures that the action of H-STIMUPURIN shampoo is due to the patented combination of two unique ingredients – caffeine and Natural Growth Factor FGF. The shampoo also contains additional conditioning ingredients – vitamin PP (so-called niacinamide), vitamin B5 (D-panthenol) and biotin. Unfortunately, it also contains SLES – an irritating ingredient that can cause irritations. Despite this, I decided to test it and I did not notice any redness, itchiness or allergic reactions. Luckily!


The most interesting in the H-STIMUPURIN hair growth stimulating shampoo is that in addition to its well-purifying properties, it also has a nourishing effect. My hair became more hydrated, strengthened, shiny and velvety soft after using the product. But that’s not the main point because I can use a conditioner for this. H-STIMUPURIN was to stimulate the growth of new hair and this is indeed what is happening! I noticed the difference on the very top of my head, where the parting is almost invisible due to the new hair growth. Does my hair fall out less? No, but maybe it’s because was not thinning excessively before using this product as well. The shampoo, despite the SLES content, does not irritate the scalp and does not dry out the hair. The most visible change I have noticed is the strengthening of the hair and the overall improvement of its density – this relates to the effect of more hair.

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